Anna Rig Documentation



Anna rig is compliant with Maya 2018, rendered with Arnold.

To use the rig it's necessary to install mGear for Maya:

  • Unzip to C:\mGear
  • Open the Maya.env file with a text editor, generally located in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\maya\2018
  • Copy-paste the following line: MAYA_MODULE_PATH=C:\mGear
  • Restart Maya if it was running
  • Menu bar > mGear > Animation > Synoptic

Scene: Naming and Organization


There are two main groups in the scene: SET and CHAR. SET includes the lighting, backgrounds and props objects while the character objects are in the CHAR group.


The objects are also grouped in layers: rig, mesh, clothes...

Rig Overview

Global Scale

Change the scale of the character by scaling the global_C0_ctl controller.


Change the haircut by accessing the faceUI_C0_ctl:



The arms/legs roundness is an attribute accessible by clicking the arms/leg UI controller:



The body polygons under the clothes are hidden in the viewport. They are tagged as invisible faces. To reveal them, select the body object and go to Display > Polygons > Invisible Faces. Additionally, opacity maps are used to hide them when rendering with Arnold. Disable the opacity maps to reveals them.

Anna Rig for Blender.
Documentation template provided by Frittt Templates